Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 20th March. Planes, Painted cows and Automobiles

Hi all, as Nat has finally left the state to embark on her epic quest I have been asked to blog and tweet on her behalf, my name is Suzie (an official honorary Clarke, as I have been known to make their home my own at times.)

After Nat said her farewells to Bay and Lizzy, I drove her, Dean, Maddy and Paul (Paul is the official photographer/film maker) to the airport this afternoon. It was a journey fraught with danger from the very onset, picking up Paul proved quite dangerous.....for him. We nearly lost him right outside his own home due to me being more preoccupied with discovering how to actually drive Deans Prius with all it's wondrous gadgets than actually noticing if Paul had fully made it into the vehicle. After Paul entered the car instead of precariously hanging off the opened back door,( by the way not a recommended way to ride in a Prius as the drag this causes totally negates any fuel economy gained from it's hybrid engine)he forgave me stating if he was going to be lost on any part of this adventure being lost outside his home was far more convenient than somewhere in Bass Straight.

I dropped them off at the airport, Nat was in in very high spirits, all excited and nervous at the same time. She gave Maddy a big hug goodbye and they entered the airport terminal. I yelled one last piece of advice at Dean as they left, "good luck with the sea sickness!", a statement that drew some confused onlookers at an airport.

Upon arriving at Launceston they were met by Mary, her grandchildren are Swim4All students. She kindly drove them to Stanley and showed them some sights along the way.
Some painted cow sculptures took Nats fancy at the Ashgove Cheese Factory, an electric fence didn't prevent her from riding a few of them.

After meeting up with the support boat and it's crew at Stanley it seems decided that Monday is the best day to make the attempt.
When I spoke with her last she was about to have dinner and was enjoying her magnificent accommodation at Hanlon House, which she describes as being like Little House on the Prairie, so I know she's very happy!

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