Monday, March 1, 2010

Mon 1st March - still in melb

Finding the unpredictability of the weather very difficult. On the plus side when I was competing at the Nationals only days before my scheduled departure for Tassie, I was unsure what board I was going to use, what kite, I didn't have a working radio or GPS, my kite lines had a knot in them and I hadn't fixed that, my favourite kite decided to spontaneously deflate (right before my last heat)on the beach and lots of other issues that I now have mostly sorted. It was funny one of the girls at Nationals said Kirsten (world champ chick) said I was such a happy energetic person, shame she didn't get to meet me when I wasn't super stressed. Hopefully there will other chances in the future. I still want to learn that aeriel handle pass Kirsten!! Sorry to those who do know what I am like and had to put up with stress head me.
I am at peace with my choice of board and kite now. Of all the experts I talked to no 2 people agreed on the board I should use. But at least I have time on the board I have chosen and feel good that it will be the best for the job. I did loose a fin and broke the box it goes in following a fairy penguin too close to the reef so its now a 2 fin not a 4 fin set-up, but I am actually happier with the 2 fins. It doesn't go upwind so well but it turns much better, and I might see something out there that makes me want to change direction quickly!
Seems I still have a few days up my sleeve to do some last minute changes, took all the foot pads off my board last night and couldn't get them back on where I wanted them before falling asleep at midnight. I have chopped footpads unscrewed bits added new holes to the bit that goes over your feet... all things I never imagined doing.
I had a good 2 hours kiting out at Mentone yesterday before coming home and freaking out that the kids weren't safe walking home with a scary kidnapper in the area. But all is ok now and we spent the night chatting and packing as both of them are going to camp on Tuesday. I have a bad feeling about them going away when I might take off to Tassie, but hope I can shake that.
Tassie trip still up in the air... I wish I had a day.. its so hard not knowing... I can only be nervous and put the rest of my life on hold for so long..

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